All You Need To Know About Whole House Water Filters

Whole house water filtration systems allow homeowners to filter out contaminants from all the different taps throughout their homes. These systems filter contaminants, including chlorine, sediments, bacteria, and heavy metals. Depending on the type of filter you choose, you may also be able to remove viruses, fluoride, and other chemicals from your water supply.

What Is a Whole House Water Filter?

A whole-house water filter is designed to filter the water coming into your home through one central location. It eliminates contaminants and pollutants from the water so that you can access clean, safe drinking water from every fixture in your house. Typically, these filters are installed after the main water line enters our home near the water meter or downstream.

What Is a Whole House Water Filter?
Whole House Water Filter

How Does A Whole House Water Filter Work?

  • The Pre-Filter Stage: The water first passes through a pre-filter to remove large particles, such as sand, silt, or sediment. This stage also helps protect the other filter components from wear and tear by removing coarse material that could clog them up.
    The Pre-Filter Stage
    The Pre-Filter Stage
  • Activated Carbon Stage: This filter is filled with activated carbon pellets, which absorb impurities from the water. It removes chemicals such as chlorine and chloramine, which can hurt your health. It also removes unpleasant odors and tastes caused by specific contaminants in the water. Additionally, it filters out dirt particles and other unwanted substances that may be found in your water.
    Activated Carbon Stage
    Activated Carbon Stage
  • Post-Filter Stage: The post-filter stage is the final part of the filtration process and ensures that you receive water free of contaminants, bacteria, or other soluble particles.
    Post-Filter Stage
    Post-Filter Stage

How Do I Know If I Need A Whole House Water Filter?

How Do I Know If I Need A Whole House Water Filter?
A Whole House Water Filter

There are some general signs that you may need a whole-house water filter:

  •  Do you have bad-tasting, smelly tap water?
  •  Are you experiencing frequent clogging of your pipes?
  •  Does your water contain excessive sediment and minerals?
  •  Have you observed any changes in your water’s color or clarity?
  •  Is there a growth of mold and mildew in your shower and tub area?
  •  Are you noticing any issues with skin irritation, dryness, itchiness, or other health-related problems?

If any of these signs are present in your home, it’s a good idea to have your water tested and consider installing a whole-house water filter.

How Do I Choose The Best Whole House Water Filter For My Home?

  •  Filter size: Consider the size of your home and your water needs.
  •  Filter life: The life of a filter depends on the type and quality of water it is filtering. On average, whole-house water filters are designed to last about 3-5 years before needing replacement.
  •  Port size: If the port is too small, it won’t be able to filter enough water. However, if the port is too large, it can cause back pressure on your plumbing system and reduce efficiency. Therefore, ensure that you select a filter with a port size optimal for your needs. While most filters come with 1-inch ports, they can also be found in larger sizes such as 2-inch or 3-inch.
  • Flow rate: Most whole-house water filters have a flow rate of 5 gallons per minute (GPM). The lower the GPM, the slower your filtered water will be delivered to you, and vice versa. For optimal performance, choose a model with high GPMs so that you and your family can enjoy a steady flow of clean water.
  • Purpose of filtration: When choosing a whole-house water filter, you must consider the purpose of filtration. Many install filters that reduce hard minerals in their water to prevent damage to pipes and fixtures due to heavy mineral buildup.
  • Review your supply: Knowing your water source is essential in determining what type of filter system you need. If it comes from a public supply, chances are that any contaminants present will be minimal. However, if you have a well with high levels of sediments or bacteria, you should consider purchasing a whole-house water filtration system with ultraviolet (UV) light technology. 
  • The credibility of the manufacturer and seller: It is also essential when selecting a whole-house water filter. You want to be sure that you are getting the best product for the price and that a reliable company made it with a good track record. Knowing who will be servicing your system and any applicable warranties or guarantees on the product is also essential.

How Easy Is It to Install a Whole House Water Filter?

Installing a whole-house water filter can be surprisingly easy. Most systems are designed for DIY installation and require no specialist skills or tools. Depending on the setup of your water supply, you may need to hire a professional plumber to help with the installation.

Different Types of Whole House Water Filters

  • Carbon Water Filters: Carbon water filters are the most popular type of whole-house water filter due to their cost effectiveness and versatility. Carbon is a powerful medium for removing chlorine, bad taste, odors, and other chemical contaminants from your home’s water supply.
Carbon Black filter
Carbon water filter
  • Reverse Osmosis Filters: Reverse osmosis (RO) water filtration systems are popular for homeowners looking to improve their home’s drinking water. RO filters use pressure to force the water through a semi-permeable membrane that traps and removes contaminants from your drinking water. This process is one of the most efficient methods of filtration and can remove up to 99% of common contaminants, including chlorine, lead, fluoride, nitrates, arsenic, and more.
    Reverse Osmosis filter
    Reverse Osmosis Filters
  • Heavy-Duty Filtration Systems: For an even more comprehensive filtration system, you may want to consider a heavy-duty filtration system. These systems are designed for larger homes and businesses or for urban areas where the city water has higher contaminants. They will filter out all sorts of chemicals, toxins, metals, and other contaminants found in water. Heavy-duty systems typically include several different stages of filtration, such as carbon block filters, sediment filters, and reverse osmosis filters. The result is pure, healthy, and delicious drinking water for your whole house.
Heavy-Duty Filtration Systems
Heavy-Duty Filtration Systems
  • Water softeners: Water softeners are water filters that remove minerals from the water to make it softer. They usually use salt or potassium chloride to neutralize the calcium and magnesium ions in hard water, thereby reducing limescale buildup. Water softeners also reduce soap scum, provide extra cleaning power for laundry and dishes, prevent dry skin and hair, and help extend the life of appliances by preventing mineral buildup.
  • Ultraviolet purification systems: Ultraviolet (UV) purification systems use light waves to kill 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in water without adding chemicals. These systems effectively treat contaminants like cryptosporidium, giardia, and coliform bacteria. They are easy to install and require little maintenance. However, they don’t remove sediment or other physical particles, so it may be necessary to use a separate filter.
    Ultraviolet purification systems
    Ultraviolet purification systems
  • Acid neutralizers: Acid neutralizers are designed to correct the pH of acidic water, which can be corrosive to plumbing and fixtures. Natural occurrences like carbon dioxide cause acidic water in the atmosphere or human activities such as mining. An acid neutralizer can help raise the pH of the water so it is not damaging to your pipes and fixtures. Acid neutralizers

What Are The Benefits Of Whole House Water Filters?

  • Provide filtered water to the entire home: Whole house water filters are designed to cleanse the water entering your home, meaning every tap and shower will provide filtered water. This is a good option if you want to improve the taste of your drinking water or even kitchen cooking.
  • Reduce containments: Whole-house water filters are designed to reduce a variety of contaminants that can be present in your home’s water supply. They remove chlorine, sediments, and other chemicals that may not be visible in the water but can still cause health risks if ingested over time. Whole-house water filters can also reduce bacteria, lead, and other heavy metals, depending on your chosen filter. Investing in a whole-house water filter ensures that your family receives safe and clean drinking water all year round.
  • Minimize rust stains: Whole house water filters are the perfect solution for eliminating rust in your sinks, toilets, and clothes. The filter works by trapping particles of sediment before they enter your home’s plumbing system. It also helps reduce chlorine levels in your water, which can cause discoloration on porcelain fixtures.
  • Deliver better taste: Whole house water filters remove chlorine and other contaminants, providing better-tasting and smelling water for drinking, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, and even watering the garden.
  • Improved Health for You and Your Family: Whole house water filters provide numerous health benefits. They reduce the risk of lead and other contaminants entering your home’s drinking analogies or author, and they can also help improve the taste of your tap water. For families with children or elderly members, whole-house filters are especially beneficial since they can reduce exposure to bacteria and chemical pollutants.
  • Substantial Cost Savings: A whole-house water filter can provide cost savings in the long run. It eliminates the need to buy bottled water or pay for expensive filtration systems, as it filters all your home’s water right at the source. Not only will you save money on buying bottled water and other filtration systems, but you’ll also save money on energy bills since your water heater won’t have to work as hard because of the cleaner, sediment-free water.

Whole House Filters Vs. Under Sink And Countertop Filters

Regarding water filtration, there are two main types of systems available, whole-house filters and under-sink/countertop filters. Each type has its unique advantages and disadvantages.

Whole-house water filters
Whole-house water filters

Whole-house water filters provide a superior level of protection compared to under-sink or countertop models because they filter out much larger particles and contaminants. This makes them ideal for filtering out sediment, rust, and other larger particles from the water supply. They also offer extra protection against bacteria, viruses, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals that may be present in your tap water. Whole house filters are installed at the main point of entry of your plumbing system so that they can filter the entire household’s water supply, not just the kitchen sink.

Under sink and countertop filters are installed directly onto the faucet, so they only filter the water that comes out of that particular faucet. These filters can remove contaminants from your drinking water, but they don’t offer the same level of protection as whole-house filters. They must also be replaced or serviced more often since they are constantly exposed to water.

Under sink water filter
Under sink filter


Counter top filters
Countertop filters


Overall, both types of water filtration systems can effectively reduce contaminants in your drinking water. Still, whole-house filters offer a more comprehensive solution for protecting your home’s water supply. If you’re looking for a reliable and cost-effective way to filter your drinking water, consider investing in a whole-house filtration system. It may be more expensive up front, but it will save you money in the long run with fewer replacement costs and lower maintenance fees.


How much-filtered water do you need?

Depending on the size of your family, you may need more or less filtered water. A whole-house filter provides enough clean water for an average family of four to six.

Can I remove the water filter system and take it with me if I move house?

Yes, you can remove water filter systems and take them with you if you move house. However, you should check that the filtration system is compatible with your new home’s plumbing setup.

Do I need to employ a plumber, or can I fit it myself?

Generally, a whole-house water filter system is easy to install and does not require any special plumbing skills. Depending on the type of system you have purchased, it may be possible for you to do the installation yourself. However, if you are unsure about your ability to do so or the instructions that come with your product confuse you, it may be best to employ a qualified plumber.

How long do the filters last?

How long do the filters last?

Whole house water filters usually last around 6-12 months before needing to be replaced. Depending on the specific filter, it may need to be changed sooner or longer.

Are any homes that cannot accommodate a whole-house water filter system?

Almost any home or building can accommodate a whole-house water filter system. However, there are some cases where this may not be possible. If your home has a meager amount of available space for the necessary components, installing a whole-house water filter system may not be possible.

How do I know which is the right water filter for me?

When deciding which whole house water filter is best for you, you must consider what type of contaminants need to be removed from your water. Depending on the types of contaminants in the water, some filters may be better suited than others. For instance, a sediment filter may be the best choice if your primary concern is sediment and rust. On the other hand, if you’re dealing with more severe contaminants like chemicals or heavy metals, then an activated carbon filter may be a better option.

Where Should A Whole House Water Filter Be Installed?

When installing a whole house water filter, it is essential to install the unit close to where your home’s main water line enters. This can vary depending on what type of filter you purchase, but typically they should be installed near the point of entry (POE) before any other fixtures or appliances.

Can You Drink Water From A Whole House Water Filter?

Yes, you can drink water from a whole-house water filter. Whole house water filters are designed to clean the entire house’s water supply, not just your drinking and cooking water.

Do Water Filters Need Maintenance?

Yes, whole-house water filters do need maintenance. Depending on the type of filter you choose and your local water conditions, it may require more or less frequent maintenance of components.


Whole house water filters are a great way to improve the quality of your home’s drinking and bathing water. These systems can provide a healthier environment for you, your family, and your pets. They also help protect appliances from scale buildup and other contaminants. With the right system in place, you can ensure that your home’s water supply is of the highest quality. The initial cost may be high, but it pays for itself over time with improved water quality and health benefits. If you’re looking for a reliable way to ensure the safety and purity of your water supply, then a whole-house water filter might be just what you need.

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