Benefits Of Using A Water Filter

Last Updated on September 8, 2023 by Nigel Pearson

Water is essential for life. Keeping it clean and safe can be challenging, but using a water filter is one of the best ways to ensure your drinking water is free from contaminants. The most obvious benefit of using a water filter is improved health. A good quality water filter can remove chlorine, lead, iron, and other contaminants from drinking water, improving its taste and eliminating health risks associated with drinking contaminated water.

Bottled water may seem more manageable, but it can get expensive in the long run. A good quality filter provides you with cleaner and healthier drinking water and helps you save money in the long run. Using a water filter is easy to ensure you have access to clean, safe drinking water.

What Is A Water Filter, And How Does It Work?

A water filter is a device used to remove impurities and contaminants from the water supply. It usually works by passing water through layers of filtration media, such as activated charcoal and reverse osmosis membranes. Activated charcoal filters trap particles like dirt, sand, rust, and other debris. Reverse osmosis membranes are designed to filter out substances more minor than the membrane’s pores. This can include dissolved minerals, salts, and other chemicals.

What Is A Water Filter, And How Does It Work?
A Water Filter

The combination of filtration media in a water filter helps to provide clean and safe drinking water for households. Water filters effectively remove bacteria, pathogens, and other contaminants from the water supply, making it safer for consumption.

General Benefits of Filtered Water

General Benefits of Filtered Water
General Benefits of Filtered Water
  • Water Impurities are removed by filtration: Water filtration systems use various methods to remove contaminants from water, including sedimentation, mechanical filters, carbon filters, reverse osmosis, or distillation. These processes remove organic compounds, heavy metals, and other dissolved solids that are potentially hazardous to health.
  • EAsy and faster installation: A water filter is easy to install and does not require advanced technical knowledge. Generally, all you need to do is follow the manual instructions that accompany the device.
  • High-speed filtration capacity: Water filters are designed with high-speed filtration capabilities that allow them to filter out contaminants from tap water quickly. This saves time and energy since you don’t have to wait for the water to pass through a less efficient system slowly.
  • Has Anti-Oxidant properties: Using a water filter can benefit those who want to reap the health benefits of anti-oxidant properties. In addition to removing contaminants from your water, some types of filtration systems can add anti-oxidants that can help reduce the effects of oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals in the body. This can help protect the body from disease and improve energy levels and skin health.

Financial Benefits Of Using Water Filters

  • Filtering Tap Water Is Cost Effective: Purchasing a water filtration system for your home is much more cost-effective than purchasing bottled water or replacing plumbing pipes and fixtures due to rust and scale buildup. In addition, you can also save money on energy bills because filtered water requires less water heater energy.
Filtering Tap Water Is Cost Effective
Filtering Tap Water
  • Water Filters Are Low Maintenance: The great thing about water filters is that they require minimal maintenance. Most filters will only need to be replaced after a certain number of filtered gallons, and some may need to be cleaned occasionally. But overall, the maintenance required for most water filters is relatively low-cost and accessible. You’ll spend much less time on upkeep than with other water purification systems.
  • Prolonged Appliance Life: Not only does a water filter make your drinking water taste better, but it can also extend the life of your appliances. Water filters help to reduce the amount of sediment and other particles that enter dishwashers, washing machines, and boilers. This will help keep these devices running smoothly for extended periods, making them more cost-effective in the long run.
  • Save Money on Bottled Water: Purchasing bottled water may seem convenient, but it can be costly over time. With a water filter, you can save money by taking advantage of what’s already in your home.
  • Lesser maintenance of household appliances: Using a water filter means lesser maintenance costs for appliances like coffee makers, kettles, and dishwashers, as it reduces scale buildup. This also reduces electricity costs as the appliances will operate more efficiently.
  • High storage capacity: High-capacity water filters can store large volumes of water, which is ideal for use in a home or commercial setting. This can be beneficial when multiple people use the same filter, as it won’t need to be refilled as often.
High storage water filter
High storage capacity
  • Save on soap and enjoy cleaner clothes: Unfiltered water can leave behind minerals that stick to your laundry and make it appear dull, dingy, and grey. This means you’ll need to use more soap or detergent every time you do laundry. With filtered water, you’ll get the same results with less soap saving money, energy, and time. You won’t have to worry about getting residue on your clothes as they get washed.

Benefits Of Using Filtered Water For Cooking

  • Filtered Water Tastes And Smells Better: It is no secret that filtered water tastes and smells better than tap water as it contains fewer chemicals and contaminants. This makes it perfect for drinking, cooking, and baking.
  • Better Water for Cooking:  Tap water can contaminate your food’s safety and flavor. A water filter ensures that the water used in recipes is free from bacteria, chlorine, and other pollutants. This makes it easier to create meals that are both safe and delicious. Clean water also helps preserve the ingredients’ texture, color, and flavor.
  • Eliminate Tap Water Odour: Tap water can leave a strange odor that some people find unpleasant. A water filter can eliminate this unwanted smell and create a more pleasant drinking experience.
  • Anti-Oxidant Properties: Water filters can remove free radicals from our drinking water, which helps to neutralize them and reduce their impact on our bodies. Free radicals can increase oxidative stress and lead to several health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, premature aging, and some types of cancer. Removing these elements from your drinking water with a filter can reduce damage caused by free radicals and help promote better overall health.
Anti oxidant properties
Anti oxidant properties
  • Make Healthier Smoothies: A water filter is an essential part of the process for those who like to make smoothies. Many store-bought fruits, vegetables, and juices contain contaminants such as pesticides and heavy metals, which can be filtered out with a water filter. This ensures that your smoothie is as healthy as possible by removing any harmful substances from the ingredients.
  • Make Coffee and Tea Taste Better: Another great benefit of using a water filter is its ability to improve the taste of coffee or tea. Since many tap water sources contain chlorine and other impurities, these can negatively impact the taste of your beverages. A water filter will provide you with cleaner-tasting coffee or tea, removing any unpleasant flavors or odors.

How Water Filters Are  Beneficial  To The Environment?

  • Water Filters Help Reduce Single-Use Plastic Water Bottle Consumption: One of the most significant environmental benefits of using a water filter is that it reduces single-use plastic water bottle consumption. According to estimates, more than 38 billion plastic water bottles are thrown away in the United States each year, and only 23 percent of those bottles get recycled. This means that over 30 billion bottles end up in landfills or clog our waterways.
  • Water Filters Reduce Fossil Fuel Consumption: Tap water travels an average of over 600 miles from the treatment plant to the consumer. Add in additional transportation and storage requirements; this can amount to many fossil fuels used for a straightforward resource. Using a water filter system in your home can reduce the number of times water has to be transported, helping to conserve precious resources.
  • Better Water for Pets: Just like humans, pets need high-quality water for their health and well-being. While many people are now familiar with the benefits of using a water filter to provide clean drinking water to their families, most don’t think about how it can benefit their furry friends as well.
  • Eliminates bugs: Water filters eliminate aquatic life or bugs from the water. This ensures the water supply is safe from contamination and prevents any unpleasant surprises when drinking it.
Lime Scale
Lime Scale
  • Eco-friendly: A water filter is an environmentally conscious choice for your home. Unlike bottled water, it does not produce significant plastic waste or transportation pollution. Water filters also use less energy than boiling or distilling water to purify it.
  • Removal of iron from water purifiers: Iron is abundant in many sources, including drinking water. Iron can cause staining and discoloration of sinks and clothing and impart a metallic taste to food and beverages made with water. To remove iron from your water, you should use a water filter specifically designed for this purpose. Water filters designed to remove iron typically use a combination of filtration media, such as activated carbon and oxidizing agents, to trap and filter particles from the water.

Benefits Of Filtered Water For Human Health

  • Water Filtration Boosts Your Health: Water filtration can improve your health in numerous ways. It removes contaminants such as lead, mercury, chlorine, and rust which contain compounds that can hurt human health. This means you can enjoy the water without worrying about chemicals or other pollutants entering your body.
  • Better Quality of Life: Water filters can significantly improve your water quality and your family’s overall health. Filtered water contains fewer bacteria, arsenic, chlorine, lead, and other contaminants that can adversely affect human health. Water filters reduce potentially harmful substances such as pesticides, industrial chemicals, heavy metals, and minerals like iron or calcium carbonate while retaining beneficial minerals such as copper and magnesium.
  • Improve Skin Health: Water filters help reduce the number of pollutants, including chlorine, that can irritate the skin. While it’s unlikely that these substances will cause long-term damage to your skin, they may contribute to dryness and irritation. By using a water filter, you can reduce the level of contaminants in your water supply and improve the health of your skin.
  • Keeps Kidney Functioning: Using a water filter helps reduce the number of toxins consumed, which can help keep your kidneys functioning properly. Unfiltered tap water contains many harmful chemicals, such as Lead and Chlorine, which can damage your kidneys when consumed in large amounts over prolonged periods. Using a water filter can quickly and effectively remove these toxins from your drinking water, helping keep your kidneys healthy.
Kidney functioning
Keeps Kidney Functioning
  • Enhance Hydration: Tap water often contains chlorine, which can cause dehydration. Using a water filter, you can rid your drinking water of chlorine and other impurities – leaving only clean, pure H2O for maximum hydration. Additionally, filtered water can be more flavorful than tap water, leading to an increased intake of necessary fluids throughout the day.
  • Improved Digestion: Quality water filtration eliminates toxins and contaminants from your drinking water, making it easier for your body to digest. This can help reduce the risk of chronic health conditions such as ulcers, heartburn, and other digestive problems. Filtered water also helps increase nutrient absorption, allowing you to get more out of your dietary choices.
  • Reduce Acid Reflux: Chlorine and other chemicals found in tap water can contribute to or cause acid reflux. A water filter can provide clean, filtered water that is free of these chemicals and reduce the occurrence of acid reflux.
  • Aid Weight Loss: Staying hydrated is essential to any weight loss plan, but sometimes drinking the same plain water over and over can become tiresome. However, if you have a filter in your home, you can add natural flavor to your water by adding things like cucumber, lemon, or other fruits and herbs. This is a healthier alternative to sugary beverages like sodas or juices. 
  • Reduces Cardio Stress: Infused with chlorine, fluoride, and other contaminants, tap water can hurt the cardiovascular system. Evidence suggests that drinking unfiltered tap water can increase some people’s coronary heart disease risk. Using a water filter eliminates these additives from your drinking water, reducing unnecessary stress on your cardiovascular health.
  • Improves Healthy Teeth: Water filters can reduce the amount of fluoride and other minerals in water that can damage teeth. This is especially beneficial for children, as it helps to prevent stains on their permanent teeth.
  • Better Mood and Less Stress: By drinking filtered water, your body will function more efficiently and allow you to de-stress. Hydrating our bodies with clean water helps reduce anxiety, fatigue, and overall moodiness. People also report feeling sharper mentally when drinking plenty of filtered water daily.
  • Increase Your Energy: Filtered water can help boost your energy levels because the body can absorb clean, filtered water. Since our bodies are made up of 60-70% water, keeping them hydrated and replenished with clean, purified drinking water is essential. Filtering out harmful contaminants allows our bodies to take in vital nutrients and hydration more efficiently, which can provide a natural energy boost.
  • Provides Necessary Vitamins and Minerals: Water filters can provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy body. You can eliminate potential health risks by filtering your water while still receiving the essential nutrients from drinking clean and healthy water.
  • Healthier Showers & Baths: By using a water filter, you can enjoy the benefits of safer showering and bathing. Water filters remove chlorine, rust, dirt, and other impurities in unfiltered water. This can lead to healthier skin and hair because people are not exposed to as much chlorine and other contaminants. Moreover, many people also report that their hair and skin feel softer and smoother after showering or bathing with filtered water.
Healthier showers and baths
Healthier Showers & Baths
  • Reduce the Risk of Certain Cancers: It’s become increasingly clear that contaminants present in tap water can increase the risk of certain cancers. Using a water filter can reduce exposure to these harmful substances and lower your chances of developing cancer.

Benefits Of Home Plumbing System

Benefits Of Home Plumbing System
Home Plumbing System
  • Cleaner Dishes, Sinks, and Showers: Water filters can help reduce soap scum buildup, as well as lime and scale deposits in sinks, showers, and even dishwashers. This means you won’t need to use as much cleaner to keep your plumbing fixtures and home appliances sparkling clean.
  • Better for your Plumbing & Fixtures: Regular tap water contains minerals and other elements that, when heated, can leave residue in your plumbing fixtures. This is especially true in areas with hard water. A water filter will reduce the amount of sediment buildup over time, meaning fewer repairs for you to worry about. Plus, it helps to keep your appliances running efficiently. So not only does a filter help your drinking water taste better, but it also helps to protect the investment you’ve made in your plumbing and fixtures.
  • Reduce potential plumbing issues: Not all water sources are created equal, and not every water source is ideal for your plumbing system. Without a filter, you could expose your pipes to hard minerals or other contaminants that can damage them over time. Water filters can reduce the amount of sediment, rust, and dirt particles in your water supply, so you don’t have to worry about plumbing problems.


Why are water purifiers necessary today?

Why are water purifiers necessary today?
water purifiers

Water purifiers are necessary today to ensure our water is free from contaminants and impurities. As our environment continues to degrade, pollutants and toxins can accumulate in water sources, potentially dangerous if not filtered out. A reliable water filter can remove potentially harmful substances like chlorine, lead, mercury, and other chemicals, as well as bacteria and parasites.

What makes people purchase water filters?

Several key factors can drive people to purchase a home water filter:

  • One of the most critical factors is health and safety concerns. 
  • Another critical factor is convenience. Many people find it more convenient to have clean drinking water readily available from a filter rather than purchasing bottled water each time.
  • Cost savings can be a driving factor for purchasing a water filter. While the initial cost of purchasing a water filter may seem high, over time, it can save users money on their overall water bills and eliminate the need to buy pricey bottled water.

Can I install a water filter on my kitchen sink?

Can I install a water filter on my kitchen sink?
Install a water filter on my kitchen sink

Yes, you can install a water filter on your kitchen sink. A water filter system helps to reduce the number of impurities and contaminants in your drinking water. Installing one can provide several benefits over tap water.

What does a water filter remove from water?

What does a water filter remove from water?
water filter remove from water

Water filters are designed to remove various contaminants from water, such as bacteria, parasites, sediment, lead, and other heavy metals. It passes the water through a physical barrier or chemical process to filter out impurities and undesirable elements.

Can I install a water filter on my healthy water?

Yes, you can install a water filter on your healthy water. Typically, well water is high quality and does not need to be filtered. However, depending on your area and the source of your healthy water, it may contain contaminants that require treatment with a filter system.


benefits of infused water - infographic
benefits of infused water – infographic

Water filters are accessible and affordable to ensure you and your family have safe, clean drinking water. Not only do they help eliminate contaminants from the water supply, but they also provide several health benefits that can keep your family healthy. They are easy to install and maintain, making them an excellent choice for any home or office. Whether you want to reduce your environmental footprint or want cleaner, better-tasting drinking water, a water filter is a perfect solution. Investing in a quality water filter ensures that you and your family get the cleanest and safest drinking water possible. With so many available options, it’s easy to find the best filter that best suits your needs and budget.