Yes, a water softener will reduce sulfur smell in the water. Sulfur smell occurs when hydrogen sulfide gas is present in your tap water. This can be caused by bacteria breaking down organic matter near sources of groundwater or from certain minerals found within the water supply. A water softening system works by removing minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which are known contributors to sulfur smell. The system also helps to reduce iron and manganese levels in the water, both of which can cause an unpleasant odor. By replacing these minerals with sodium, the water softener will help reduce the sulfur smell in your tap water.
What Is Sulfur Smell?

Sulfur smell is an unpleasant, rotten egg odor caused by a presence of hydrogen sulfide gas in water. This gas can be created when sulfur-reducing bacteria break down organic material such as sewage or runoff from agricultural and industrial activities. Hydrogen sulfide gas is corrosive and can damage pipes, fixtures, and other components of a plumbing system. It is also hazardous to human health when present in large quantities. The presence of sulfur smell can be an indicator that the water may contain other contaminants, so it should be tested and treated as soon as possible.
Does A Water Softener Remove Sulfur Smell?
Yes, water softeners can be effective at reducing sulfur odors in water. By exchanging the calcium and magnesium ions for sodium ions, these systems reduce the amount of sulfates that cause unpleasant odor and taste. They also remove other contaminants such as chlorine, lead, iron, sediment and more from your drinking water. The result is a cleaner, better-tasting water that provides you and your family with healthier, tastier drinking water. It also reduces the need for cleaning products, which can be costly and potentially hazardous to your health. So if you’re looking for a way to eliminate unpleasant odors from your tap water, a water softener is an excellent choice.
What creates a sulfur smell in your water and why doesn’t a water softener remove it?

Decaying sulfur in the water: Sulfur smell in water is often caused by hydrogen sulfide gas, which is produced when bacteria decomposes decaying organic matter or minerals like sulfur and iron. These compounds are not actually removed by a water softener as it relies on a process of ion exchange to reduce hardness-causing ions such as calcium and magnesium.

Sulfur bacteria in plumbing system: The presence of sulfur bacteria in your plumbing system is the most common cause of a sulfur smell. These bacteria form colonies, which convert sulfates in the water into hydrogen sulfide gas. This foul-smelling gas is what causes the odor associated with rotten eggs and other unpleasant odors.
Signs of sulfur in water: Sulfur odors tend to be worse in warm weather, and they may become more noticeable when you run hot water. Other signs that there is sulfur in your water include orange or yellow stains on sinks, tubs, clothes, and dishwashers. In extreme cases of sulfur contamination, the water may be cloudy or brownish due to metal corrosion.
If A Water Softener Won’t Remove Sulfur Smell From My Water, What Will?
There are several ways to treat water that has a sulfur smell. The most common method is to use an oxidizer, such as chlorine or hydrogen peroxide, to break down the organic material in the water which causes the odor. This can be done with a point-of-use filter or through your municipality’s water treatment plant. However, oxidizers are generally not effective at removing sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, which is the most common source of a sulfur odor in water.
Are There Any Water Softeners That Will Remove Sulfur Smell From My Water?
Yes, water softeners can help to reduce the sulfur smell that is often associated with hard water. By using a water softener, calcium and magnesium ions in the water are replaced with sodium ions. This process helps to reduce the amount of sulfides present in the water, reducing or eliminating the offensive smell. In addition, water softeners can help to reduce the presence of other minerals, such as iron and manganese, which can also contribute to unpleasant odors in drinking water. But they do not completely remove sulfur from the water, so you may still experience some odor.
Can I Add A Filter To My Water Softener To Remove The Sulfur Smell?
Yes, a filter can be added to your water softener to reduce the sulfur smell in your water. This filter uses activated carbon and other media that are specially designed to remove hydrogen sulfide gases from water. This process works by trapping the molecules of hydrogen sulfide gas on the surface of the filtering material, reducing its concentration in the water. The filter should be replaced periodically according to the manufacturer’s instructions, or when the sulfur odor returns.
However, you may find that a single filter is not enough to completely eliminate the sulfur smell from your water, in which case you can install multiple filters to achieve better results. Additionally, consider purchasing a salt-free softener, which uses different processes to reduce hard water minerals, such as sulfur, without requiring the use of salt.
Why Does My Water Softener Smell Like Rotten Eggs?
The sulfur smell may come from the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas, which can be produced by bacteria living in your pipes or water heater. If this is the case, a water softener will not eliminate the sulfur smell, as it does not remove gas particles from the water.
Health Effects Of Drinking Water With Having Sulfur Smell?
Water with a sulfur smell is often caused by hydrogen sulfide gas. While it is not harmful to consume, sulfur odors of any kind in drinking water are unpleasant and can be indicative of other problems in the water supply. Drinking hydrogen sulfide-contaminated water may cause various health effects depending on the amount consumed and individual sensitivity.
In large doses, hydrogen sulfide can cause nausea and headaches. This gas is also known to irritate the eyes, throat, and lungs. Other symptoms associated with consuming high levels of hydrogen sulfide gas include fatigue and dizziness. Long-term exposure to this type of water may be linked to more serious health risks such as organ damage.
Best Water Softener Salt For Sulfur Smell
Water softener salt can be an effective solution to removing the sulfur smell from your water. Salt is known to help remove odors and contaminants, so adding it to a water softener system can be beneficial. There are various types of salts that can be used in a water softener including rock salt, solar salt, or evaporated salt.
- Rock salt is the most common type of water softener salt and is known to be effective in treating hard water. Solar salt is a slightly more expensive option but has higher purity levels than rock salt.
- Evaporated salt comes in pellets or granules and is said to dissolve quickly, making it a good choice for areas with high water hardness levels.
My well smell is like sulfur is it dangerous?
The smell from a sulfur-containing water source is usually not hazardous, but it can be disagreeable. If high levels of hydrogen sulfide are present in your water, the smell may indicate an elevated level of bacteria or microbial activity that could lead to health issues. It’s best to have your well tested for hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants.
Is there a shower head that filter out sulfur?
Yes, there are several types of shower heads that can help filter out sulfur from the water. Reverse osmosis systems and carbon filters are some of the more common options. Reverse osmosis systems remove smaller particles, such as sulfur and other minerals, from the water so that it is free of odors and tastes better. A carbon filter is also effective at removing sulfur from the water. It uses activated carbon to absorb minerals and other contaminants, including sulfur. Other types of filters can be used as well, such as sediment filters or ultraviolet filters.
Is it safe to shower in sulfur smelling water?
No, it is not safe to shower in water with a sulfur smell. Sulfur-smelling water can be caused by high levels of hydrogen sulfide gas and this gas can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system when exposed to it. Long-term exposure may also lead to more serious health issues such as cancer.
Why does my tap water smells like onion?
The smell of sulfur or “rotten egg” odors in tap water can be caused by a variety of different factors, including hydrogen sulfide gas. Hydrogen sulfide gas is created when water and soil interact with decaying organic material, such as sewage. It can also come from industrial and agricultural runoff containing sulfur-containing compounds. In some cases, the smell of sulfur can be caused by bacteria in the water supply.
While a water softener can help reduce and remove the sulfur smell from your water supply, it is not always the most effective solution. It’s important to know that different types of water systems all have their own unique benefits and drawbacks when it comes to treating sulfur odor in water. Depending on your particular situation, you may need to use a more effective solution such as an iron filter, a reverse osmosis system, or even a chemical-free water filtration system. With the right approach and some basic knowledge about water filtration, you can easily and effectively get rid of the sulfur smell in your home.

Meet Jeffrey B Roberts, your dedicated guide into the realm of water science and technology. As a hydro biologist with an insatiable curiosity, Jeffrey’s journey has been one of unraveling the mysteries of water systems and advocating for clean, safe water for all.
With an academic background steeped in the sciences, Jeffrey’s passion lies at the crossroads of science, technology, and nature. A deep fascination with plants and genetics has not only enriched their understanding of aquatic ecosystems but has also propelled them into the world of water softening solutions.
Believing that clean water is a basic human right, Jeffrey’s writing transcends the technicalities, making the intricate world of water softening accessible to all. Through their blog, they ardently share insights, tips, and breakthroughs, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their water quality.
Beyond his role as a prolific writer, Jeffrey is a respected figure in the hydronics industry education. With years of hands-on experience, they serve as an adjunct professor, nurturing the next generation of experts at the Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology. His involvement on the Technical Advisory Board further cements their dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation in water technology.